Practice pleasure, step into your power
Sex should be fun, after all, it’s a play time for adults. However, this isn’t always the case.
This blog will cover everything you need to know about pleasure centred sex education accessible to any body.
Sex related challenges and distress are as much a part of life as is shitting and showering. So let’s talk about it, and move forward together.
The history of pleasure
Wherever there is power, there will be resistance.
—Michel Foucault
Pleasure is a powerful tool for liberation, and it is no wonder that when efforts have been made to educate people on pleasure, they have been met with resistance.
This blog post explore how pleasure has been played with over the years, despite continuous and confusing efforts to keep it suppressed.
Relax to receive
Just relax.
Now you wouldn’t be wrong to call a right twat for saying that.
But instead of retracting that statement, I’m going to put it in caps.
Seriously though, relaxation improves sexual function (natural lubrication, erections etc). It puts our body in the optimal state fore healing, and thus rejuvenates us for whatever curve balls are coming next. It allows us to actually feel the sensations we are experiencing rather being distracted by the thoughts in the head. Relaxation, although sometimes hard to attain…is your friend, when it comes to having sex for pleasure.